Monday, March 16, 2020

60556-65372 Essays - Graphic Design, Adobe Photoshop, Free Essays

60556-65372 Essays - Graphic Design, Adobe Photoshop, Free Essays 60556-65372 Digital Design Digital Collage using Photoshop MYP - Year 3 - Grade 8 Student Name: Ali Alkhaja Grade: 8 ( s ) Intro to Photoshop: Photoshop is an extremely powerful tool and also the industry-standard in creating and modifying graphics. With all its power and features, Photoshop can seem very daunting, yet Photoshop does an excellent job of putting you in control and making it easy to have all these tools at your fingertips and keep you feeling you're in control. Eventually, once you know what Photoshop can do, and how to achieve certain results, you can feel like you can do anything. Other times, you may get results that were entirely not what you imagined, but better. Photoshop is a tool that you can play around with and create amazing results, without even meaning to. This introduction will get you familiar with the basics of Photoshop and the more commonly used tools. Digital Collage: is a form of creating collages using digital tools such as Photoshop. In this project, we will choose themes to reect our feelings on certain situations in our time and lives, and create a digital collage using Photo shop that reflects these theme and we will create a simple collage in Photoshop using a combination of essential Photoshop techniques. Creating a collage is one of those things that Photoshop can do with effortless ease. The only real hard work is in deciding what images to use The Task Open the image Copy the background Create a new layer Use the rectangular marquee tool Fill it with white colour Select modify contract 10 Use the eraser to delete the inside fill colour deselect Edit transform distort Layer mask Inverse the colour (black foreground) Use the brush to delete the white edges. Use magic wand tool and select the outer image right click to inverse the selection new layer inverse the colours (black -background) fill-in the selection with black put layer2 under layer1 Use the move tool to move the black selected area outside the frame appropriately. use blur tool to smoothen the edges or you may use filter blur box blur create another copy of the background upon layer2 hide layers: background and copy1 of background add layer mask to copy2 of the background Use the brush and delete all outside the picture frame. Show the hidden layers again. select copy2 of the background and create a new channel mixer adjustment layer black and white move background copy2 above the channel mixer 1081405266700 Required Skills: How to Warp Text How to Create Type Along a Vector Path How to Use Quick Selection and the Magic Wand Working With the Marquee Tools How to Organize Layers into Groups Introduction to the Layers Panel How to Adjust Hue and Saturation How to Use the Camera Raw Adjustment Brush Dodge and Burn Using a Gradient Render Filter Fog Effects and Lens Flairs A: Inquiring and Analyzing: explains and justifies the need for a solution to a problem Develops a design brief, which presents the analysis of relevant research. Distinguish between vector drawings and bitmap images (known as raster also). Explain why we need add a new layer in each step . Acknowledge your sources appropriately. Attach your Digital Collage Bitmap (or raster) images are stored as a series of tiny dots called pixels. Each pixel is actually a very small square that is assigned a color, and then arranged in a pattern to form the image. When you zoom in on a bitmap image you can see the individual pixels that make up that image. Bitmap graphics can be edited by erasing or changing the color of individual pixels using a program such as Adobe Photoshop. Unlike bitmaps, vector images are not based on pixel patterns, but instead use mathematical formulas to draw lines and curves that can be combined to create an image from geometric objects such as circles and polygons. Vector images are edited by manipulating the lines and curves that make up the image using a program such as Adobe Illustrator. They are important because they allow you to modify your image, add text, change colors, put two pictures on the same page, etc. without

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